Electronic security

Why electronic security ?

Choose the best solution, guarantee yourself good protection

To ensure the safety of people and property, we provide top-rated electronic security systems.

Our systems provide you with multiple, advantageous and modular functionalities


Using well-chosen and configured equipment, you guarantee surveillance of your perimeter.


Your premises interact with the outside, it is more than necessary to control the movement of people and goods inside.


In a secure ecosystem, it is important to be informed of anything inappropriate, hence the need to detect anomalies or inappropriate things.


Safety is a whole and the motorization of the doors allows you to contribute to the coherence of this whole.

Choose solutions
for perimeter surveillance
and motorization of your doors

Security needs vary from one situation to another, depending on whether it concerns controlling the flow of people accessing a company’s premises or access to places requiring specific authorization.

We provide and install solutions covering a range of needs including the essential ones below.

contrôle d'accès

Access control

It is used to determine who is authorized to access certain data, applications and resources, and under what circumstances.

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They are designed to detect and alert any unauthorized entry into a premises or a defined perimeter.

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Cameras system

Is a video protection device taking video images from different passing streams and preserving them.

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détection incendie

Fire detection

It is used to ensure the detection of a phenomenon linked to the development of a fire, and to transmit information to people.

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motorisation de portes

Door automation

This is a way to open a door automatically so that the user does not need to touch the door to gain access

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Feel safe with
state-of-the-art security systems

You wish to install a security system, have a professional team support you by requesting assistance

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